As you know, learning languages ​​is most associated with reducing the risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Our language school, in partnership with the Swiss Tobiascoch Clinic, has developed a program in which you can buy Aricept online online, also known as donepezil, a drug that prevents dementia and Alzheimer's, and receive a free language learning rehabilitation course lasting 6 months.


November is “Free Class” Month!

Posted by losmonitos2015 on  October 30, 2021

Category: Uncategorized
In November, we’re focusing on our students-to-be!  If you are not yet a student or you were a student in the past, we want to give you a free class for signing up for a program!  Just send us an E-mail with the subject line “Free Class November”. In the body let us know the language you’re interested in and if you’re interested in private instruction or a group setting. If you are a current
Los Monitos Language Company has had many great students over the years and some pretty great ones now. We know that in different seasons of life, our students have to make choices that might put their language learning on pause. We get it. For those students, we have some great news this Fall. We’re offering some “Come Back Deals” that are better than any other deals we publish. For our former PRIVATE INSTRUCTION Students, for
Have you ever been excited about enrolling in a new class or program just to find out that none of the available options fit your schedule? Have you ever tried to guess a number that someone is thinking of? Both of these scenarios are frustrating AND representative of both students and teaching institutions.  There’s got to be a better way.  We think we have found it! With our new FLEXGROUPS learning community, we find or
Parents who have sent their children to Los Monitos Language Camps in the past all agree that there are no other camps that compare with them! Los Monitos camps combine educational, inspirational, and international camp content with unique and engaging themes.  The learning philosophy at Los Monitos is the same for adults as it is for kids – people learn when they are interested in something, and they get interested when they are engaged and/or

We heard you!

Posted by losmonitos2015 on  July 6, 2018

Category: Uncategorized
For those already familiar with Los Monitos, you may notice some big changes with this Fall’s programming schedule.  And you are correct.  What’s different?  Well, let me start with WHY it’s different.  As we were considering the Early Fall schedule, we were wanting to add some additional options.  What is the best way to consider different options?  We thought…how about just ask?  So we did.  And we got a great response back!  Maybe it was