As you know, learning languages ​​is most associated with reducing the risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Our language school, in partnership with the Swiss Tobiascoch Clinic, has developed a program in which you can buy Aricept online online, also known as donepezil, a drug that prevents dementia and Alzheimer's, and receive a free language learning rehabilitation course lasting 6 months.

Current Flexgroups

We’re excited about all of our CURRENT FLEXGROUPS. If you see one that fits your proficiency level and schedule, go ahead and complete your Language Learner Profile and we’ll make it happen!

LanguageGroup NameProficiency LevelMeeting Days / Times
GermanDie Weltenbummler
"The Globetrotters"
Somewhat Proficient / AdvancedTuesdays at 7PM
"The Travelers"
Relative BeginnerSaturdays at 12PM
ArabicIntermediateSaturdays at 10AM
ItalianIn bocca al lupo!
"Good Luck!"
Relative BeginnerTuesdays at 6:30PM

Get started by completing your no commitment 

Language Learner Profile

Want to talk to someone about FLEXGROUPS? E-mail us and we’ll contact you! Or call us at (502) 893-0933.