As you know, learning languages ​​is most associated with reducing the risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Our language school, in partnership with the Swiss Tobiascoch Clinic, has developed a program in which you can buy Aricept online online, also known as donepezil, a drug that prevents dementia and Alzheimer's, and receive a free language learning rehabilitation course lasting 6 months.

For Schools

Los Monitos Supports Schools!

Los Monitos Language Company is a resource for schools, administrators and teachers. Of course, each individual school, district or board of education makes the decision about whether or not to offer language or cultural education. Los Monitos can be part of implementing, supplementing or supporting that decision.


Our roots were in pre-schools, and we’re still teaching there!  We provide full year or multi-week programs that can be school or parent-paid.  We will assist in the marketing with flyer design and a demo class if desired and even take care of the enrollment! Our most popular programs are for Spanish, French, and Chinese.


After School (Elementary or Middle Schools)

Los Monitos can supplement existing language programs by offering an after school “club” or offer a language that is not currently being taught.  One of our most popular programs is our International Spy Camp, which is a themed program that creates an engaging, mission-based learning environment that motivates (maybe even tricks?) the students into learning more about languages, culture, and geography!


Spanish for Teachers Program

When teachers are teaching kids that come from Spanish-speaking homes, it can be a challenge both in an out of the classroom.  Our highly practical and interactive Spanish for Teachers Program will give teachers the skills and resources to more effectively talk to their students and parents!  We can work with small groups or professional development workshops.


Los Monitos partners with parents and homeschooling organizations to provide a quality foreign language learning experience. We will customize our program to meet the necessary standards and desires of the parents.


Interested in these options or have questions? E-mail us or call us at (502) 893-0933.