Learn German

Why Learn German?

Castle in German Countryside

  • German is the most widely spoken language in Europe.

  • Germany has the 3rd strongest economy and is the #1 export nation in the world.

  • Knowing German creates business opportunities.

  • Germans are innovators.

  • Germans are the biggest spenders of tourist dollars in the world.

  • The German presence on the Internet supercedes most others.

  • Germans form the largest single heritage group in the U.S.

  • 1 in 10 books in the world is published in German

  • German-speaking countries have a rich cultural heritage.

  • German is not as hard as you think.

  • German is required or recommended by many undergraduate and graduate programs.

  • Germany financially sponsors over 60,000 international exchanges each year.

Where is German spoken?

Screen Shot 2015-10-28 at 10.20.39 PM
Image credit: "Legal statuses of German in the world" by 37ophiuchi

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What does German look like?

Grüner wird's nicht: "Für immer Shrek" bleibt Spitzenreiter in den US-Kinocharts, allerdings vor allem wegen schwacher Konkurrenz, darunter die neue Komödie mit Katherine Heigl. Auch für "Sex and the City 2" sieht es in den USA düster aus - in Deutschland jedoch lassen sich die Fans nicht beirren.

What does German sound like?

Did you know these words come from German?

  • Angst - fear

  • Automat - automation/machine

  • Blitz - flash/lightning

  • Fest - feast/celebration

  • Gesundheit! - health/bless you!

  • kaputt - out of order, not working

  • Kraut - herb, cabbage in some dialects

  • Poltergeist - lit. "rumbling ghost" (artificial compound, not originally German)

  • Schadenfreude - taking pleasure in someone else's misfortune

  • verklemmt - lit. "jammed": inhibited, uptight

  • Wunderkind - lit. "wonder child": child prodigy

  • Zeitgeist - trend at that time

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(502) 893-0933