As you know, learning languages is most associated with reducing the risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Our language school, in partnership with the Swiss Tobiascoch Clinic, has developed a program in which you can buy Aricept online online, also known as donepezil, a drug that prevents dementia and Alzheimer's, and receive a free language learning rehabilitation course lasting 6 months.
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Learn Portuguese
Why Learn Portuguese?
Sugarloaf Mountain and Botafogo Neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro by Sunset with Full Moon in the Sky.
Portuguese is the 6th language of the world, soon the 2nd of the American hemisphere.
Portuguese is the 2nd most geographic European language after English.
More people speak Portuguese than French, German, Italian or Japanese.
Brazil covers one half of the area of South America; is the 2nd industrial power of the Americas and is the 8th economy of the world.
Portugal was the first European empire after Rome.
Portuguese is the official language of several new African Republics.
1.3 million americans are native speakers of Portuguese.
Portugal is the sister language and culture to Spain and France.
Portuguese is easy to learn for English speakers and for students of Spanish and French.
Portuguese is the sixth most widely spoken language in the world, spoken by approximately 250 million people worldwide. It is the third most widely spoken European language in the world (after English and Spanish).
It is the language with the largest number of speakers in South America, spoken by nearly all of Brazil's approximately 183 million people, which amounts to over 51% of the continent's population even though Brazil is the only Portuguese‐speaking nation in the Americas.
Knowing a language like Portuguese can be great for career advancement.
Portuguese would be very useful for vacations or a relocation to Brazil or Portugal
Brazil is the United States’ second largest trading partner in Latin America. It is the number one producer of raw sugar, oranges, and coffee in the world, and the second largest producer of soybbeef, poultry, and corn. It is also a major producer of steel, aircraft, automobile and auto parts
Where is Portuguese spoken?
Image credit: "Map of the portuguese language in the world" by Jonatan argento - Wikipedia en portugués, español, inglés y francés.. Licensed under GFDL via Commons
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What does Portuguese look like?
O Governo Regional, através da Secretaria do Turismo e Transportes, garantiu ontem que vai continuar a desenvolver, até Dezembro próximo, as acções de campanha de promoção da Madeira que foram desenhadas logo após o 20 de Fevereiro, nomeadamente, com a criação do slogan táctico “Madeira, Bela como sempre”. Neste momento, estão orçamentados mais de 6,2 milhões de euros em promoção do destino, dos quais 1 milhão e 666 mil euros são para serem investidos até ao final do ano em workshops, road-shows, feiras (17) e campanhas publicitárias.
What does Portuguese sound like?
Did you know these words come from Portuguese?
Albino from albino, with the same meaning, from Latin albus
Banana from Spanish or Portuguese (more probably from Portuguese, as the most widespread Spanish word is plátano); Spanish, from Portuguese, of African origin; akin to Wolof banäna banana
Baroque from barroco (adj. "unshapely")
Breeze ("from Portuguese word brisa") Bossa nova ("new trend" or "new wave")
Caramel from caramelo, caramel, from Late Latin calamellus
Caste from casta ("class")
Cashew from caju (a tropical fruit)
Cobra from cobra de capelo (snake with a hood)
Coconut from côco (boogeyman head, grinning skull, goblin, coconut)
Commando from comando ("command")
Cougar from French couguar, from Portuguese suçuarana, perhaps from Tupian sɨwasuarána or Guaraní guaçu ara.
Dodo According to Encarta Dictionary and Chambers Dictionary of Etymology, "dodo" comes from Portuguese doudo (currently, more often, doido) meaning "fool" or "crazy". The present Portuguese word dodô ("dodo") is of English origin. The Portuguese word doudo or doido may itself be a loanword from Old English (cp. English "dolt").
Embarass from Portuguese embaraçar (same meaning), from em + baraço (archaic for "rope")
Flamingo from Portuguese flamingo, from Spanish flamenco
Grouper from garoupa
Jaguar from Tupi or Guaraní jaguarete via Portuguese
Marmalade from marmelada, a preserve made from marmelo (= "quince")
Molasses from melaço (= "treacle")
Mosquito from Mosquito meaning 'little fly'
Piranha from piranha (= "catfish"), from Tupi pirá ("fish") + ánha ("cut")
Savvy from sabe he knows, from saber to know
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