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Learn Russian
Why Learn Russian?
View of the Moscow Kremlin, lit by the evening lights. In the foreground of the Moscow River. View of the Armoury Chamber and Cathedral. The photo shows the Tower with red stars and the stone bridge. View of the most famous sights of Russia.
The Russian Language is a means of international communication between nations of the Russian Federation and the CIS (Community of Independent States – former Soviet Republics).
Russian is one of the six official and working languages of the UN (United Nations).
Russia’s openness has, within the last fifteen years, led to the consolidation of its economical, political and cultural ties with Europe, the USA and Asia. Russia is quickly integrating into the world economy.
Quality Russian language courses for foreign students are available not only in Russia but in almost all the countries that belonged to the Soviet Union in the past.
Learn Russian to Increase Your Value as an Employee - As Russia's new economy continues to gain momentum in the world market; more companies will need employees with Russian language skills. Your country needs you! Since 9/11 the U.S. Government has been actively recruiting people with foreign language skills. There are a number of careers using languages with the government, ranging from CIA to FBI, Customs Dept. and State Dept.
Open Up a Whole New World of Travel- Because Russian is the means by which the former Soviet Republics (now called the Community of Independent States or CIS) and the Russian Federation communicate, learning Russian gives you language tools to travel within these nations with more ease.
Another Avenue for Adoption - If you've considered adoption, there are thousands of needy infants and young children in the Russian Federation that need parents. Those who learn Russian for their adoption trip are better equipped to travel and communicate with government officials and adoption agency representatives.
A Rich Culture of Russian Literature - There is a wealth of Russian novels and films that can best be experienced in their original form and some which can only be experienced in Russian. When you learn Russian you understand more than just how to communicate with another people-you can see pieces of what formed that people's culture. Many world-famous literary masterpieces were created by Russian writers and poets: Griboyedov, Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoyevsky, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Yesenin, Akhmatova and others.
Where is Russian spoken?
Image credit: "LanguageMapRussian". Licensed under Public Domain via Commons
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What does Russian look like?
What does Russian sound like?
Did you know these words come from Russian?
Babushka a headscarf folded diagonally and tied under the chin (this meaning is absent in the Russian language).
Cosmonaut (kosmos a Greek word), which in Russian stands for 'outer space', rather than 'world' or 'universe', and nautes 'sailor', thus 'space sailor'; the term cosmonaut was first used in 1959; the near similar word "cosmonautic" had been coined in 1947) A Russian astronaut. Cosmodrome (by analogy with aerodrome) was coined to refer to a launching site for Russian spacecraft.
Gulag (Russian acronym for Glavnoye Upravleniye Ispravitelno-trudovykh Lagerey i kolonii, The Chief Administration (or Directorate) of Corrective Labour Camps and Colonies.)
Intelligentsia (from Latin intelligence, intelligentia from inter "between", and legare "to choose")
Kremlin (Russian for "fortress", "citadel" or "castle") A citadel or fortified enclosure within a Russian town of city, especially the Kremlin of Moscow; (the Kremlin) Metonym for the government of the former USSR, and to a lesser of extent of Russian post- Soviet government.
Mammoth [ˈmamənt], from Yakut mamont, probably mama, "earth", perhaps from the notion that the animal burrowed in the ground) Any various large, hairy, extinct elephants of the genus Mammuthus, especially the Wooly Mammoth. 2. (adjective) Something of great size.
Ruble (Rouble) from Old Russian rubli "cut" or "piece", probably originally a piece cut from a silver ingot bar; from rubiti meaning "to chop". Historically, "ruble" was a piece of a certain weight chopped off a silver ingot (grivna), hence the name. An alternate etymology may suggest the name comes from the Russian noun, rubets, i.e., the seam that is left around the coin after casting: silver was added to the cast in two goes. Therefore the word ruble means "a cast with a seam".) The Russian unit of currency.
Sputnik literally "travelling companion" from s with put "way" or "journey" + noun suffix nik person connected with something)
Vodka (Russian diminutive of voda "water") -- An alcoholic liquor distilled from fermented wheat mash, but now also made from a mash of rye, corn, or potatoes.
Borshch also Borscht (Russian and Ukrainian: "cow parsnip", the original base of the soup) -- A beet soup served hot or cold, usually with sour cream.
Bolshevik (from Russian Больше 'majority' or 'greater' with reference to the greater faction):
Glasnost (glasnost publicity, from glas voice, from Old Church Slavonic glasu) (late 20th century) An official policy in the former Soviet Union (especially associated with Mikhail Gorbachev) emphasizing transparency, openness with regard to discussion of social problems and shortcomings.
KGB Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti, Committee for State Security) (historical) Name of the Soviet Union organization that directed the security agency, secret police, and intelligence agency from 1954 to 1991.
Perestroika (Russian perestroika literally "restructuring", the term was first used in 1986) The reform of the political and economic system of the former Soviet Union, first proposed by Leonid Brezhnev at the 26th Communist Party Congress in 1979, and later actively promoted by Mikhail Gorbachev from 1985.
Tovarishch also Tovarich (Russian archaic, tovarishch sense "business companion", often "travelmate", referring [citation needed] to the noun товар tovar "merchandise"; In the former Soviet Union, a comrade; often used as a form of address.
Tsar also Czar, Tzar, Csar, and Zar (English pronunciation [zar];) (Russian tsar from Latin Caesar "hairy").
Beluga -- A large kind of sturgeon; a type of white whale.
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