As you know, learning languages ​​is most associated with reducing the risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Our language school, in partnership with the Swiss Tobiascoch Clinic, has developed a program in which you can buy Aricept online online, also known as donepezil, a drug that prevents dementia and Alzheimer's, and receive a free language learning rehabilitation course lasting 6 months.

Learn Spanish

Why Learn Spanish?
Palace of fine arts facade and Mexican flag on downtown of Mexico capital city
Palace of fine arts facade and Mexican flag on downtown of Mexico capital city

  • Communicate with 350 million native Spanish speakers worldwide.

  • Communicate with Spanish-speaking people at home.

  • Learn Spanish to enhance your travel experiences.

  • Use Spanish to improve your employment potential.

  • Just having a basic knowledge may be all it takes to separate yourself from the crowd of applicants for the job you are pursuing. With the rapidly increasing Hispanic population, there are a multitude of career fields in the US that need Spanish speakers. Among them are nurses, social workers, teachers, salespeople, translators, and many more.

  • If you are bilingual, you will be more marketable and have more career choices than your monolingual counterpart. Globalization, with it's accompanying free trade agreements is shrinking the business world, and those who know more than one language will definitely have the edge.

  • Learn Spanish to improve your knowledge of your own language.

  • Learn Spanish to prepare for study abroad opportunities.

  • Better appreciate Spanish-speaking cultures.

  • Learn Spanish to make lifelong friends.

  • Gain access to Spanish art, music, literature and film.

  • Traditionally people from the United States are not obligated to learn another language besides English, but times have changed. Globalization has been the big push behind the increasing importance of being able to communicate with those from other countries. For that reason, (especially NAFTA), the second language US citizens are choosing to learn is Spanish.

  • Another indication that the language will be kept vibrant for many years to come is the fact that quite a large portion of the Spanish speaking population in the U.S. are children. In addition, by 2050, the number of Hispanics in the U.S is projected to grow exponentially to over 100 million people, which, at that point, will be approximately one quarter of the total U.S. population. That's over triple the 2000 figure in a 50-year span.

Where is Spanish spoken?

Screen Shot 2015-10-28 at 5.45.15 PM
Image credit: "Study of spanish" by Addicted04 - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons

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Contact us by E-mail or by calling (502) 893-0933
What does Spanish look like?

Una de las series más importantes en Estados Unidos, “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation”, también conocida como “CSI: Las Vegas”, concluye su temporada número 10, con broche de oro. Además de que en el último capítulo, de nombre “Meat Jekyll”, el público será testigo de una especie de negociación entre los investigadores y un asesino serial -al estilo de la que hubo entre Clarice Starling y Hannibal Lecter, en “El Silencio de los Inocentes”-, trascendió que dos de las productoras ejecutivas de la serie ya firmaron un contrato con la televisora CBS que garantiza cuatro años más de esta exitosa franquicia.

What does Spanish sound like?

Did you know these words come from Spanish?

Adiós from Spanish "goodbye"

Alligator from el lagarto, "the lizard"

Amigo from Spanish and/or Portuguese amigo, "friend"; from Latin amicus = "friend," derived from amare = "love."

Avocado alteration of Spanish aguacate = literally: "water wipe", from Nahuatl ahuacatl which also means "testicle" in that language.

Bodega from Spanish and/or Portuguese bodega, = "cellar"

Bonito from Spanish bonito, = "beautiful"

Breeze from brisa "cold northeast wind" or from Frisian briesen - to blow (wind)

Buckaroo from vaquero, = "cowboy"

Burrito from burrito, = a dish originally from Northern Mexico, literally "little donkey"

Burro from burro, = "donkey"

Cabana from Spanish cabaña or Portuguese cabana; both meaning "cabin."

Chipotle from Spanish, smoked jalapeño, from Nahuatl chilpoctli

Chocolate from Spanish chocolate, from Nahuatl xocolatl meaning "hot water."

Cigar from Spanish cigarro = "fag, stogie, stogy", from Mayan sicar, sic (= "tobacco")

Colorado from Spanish colorado, red or colored

Desperado from Spanish desesperado, desperate

Embargo from Spanish embargar = "to bar"

Florida from La Florida, the flowery or plant-filled place or pascua florida, "flowery easter."

Hacienda from Old Spanish facienda = "estate"

Hurricane from Spanish huracán, from Taino hurákan; akin to Arawak kulakani, thunder

Loco from loco, = mad, crazy

Macho from macho, brave, the property of being overtly masculine. In Spanish is masculinity

Montana from montaña, a mountain

Nada from "Nada" = "slang, nothing", introduced by E. Hemingway.

Nevada from Nevada literally "snowy"

Patio from patio, inner courtyard, = "an open paved area adjacent to a home"

Piña colada from Spanish piña = pineapple and colada, which means strained, from the Spanish verb

Ranch from rancho, a really small rural community, smaller than a town.

Rodeo from rodeo and verb rodear (to round up)

Salsa from salsa, = "sauce"

Taco from taco = "plug"

Vamoose from vamos, meaning "let us go"

Zorro from Portuguese/Spanish zorro, a fox, originally "smart"

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(502) 893-0933